Pastor Dave Stares
A Day in the Life
Date: Aug 23, 2020
Time: Morning
Text: Mark 1:21–34
Becoming Disciples
Date: Aug 16, 2020
Time: Morning
Text: Mark 1:16–20
The Living King (Lord's day 17)
Date: Aug 9, 2020
Time: Evening
Text: Acts 2:22–31
The King's Victory
Date: Aug 9, 2020
Time: Morning
Text: Mark 1:9–15
Our Hope Does Not Disappoint (Lord's Day 16)
Date: Aug 2, 2020
Time: Evening
Text: Philippians 1:19–26
The Beginning
Date: Aug 2, 2020
Time: Morning
Text: Mark 1:1–8
What is Truth? (Lord's Day 15)
Date: Jul 26, 2020
Time: Evening
Text: John 18:28–40
Let the Wise Understand
Date: Jul 26, 2020
Time: Morning
Text: Hosea 13—14
Man in The Middle (Lord's Day 14)
Date: Jul 19, 2020
Time: Evening
Text: 1 Timothy 2:1–6
The Mighty Creator God (Lord's Day 9-10)
Date: May 3, 2020
Time: Evening
Text: Psalm 104
A Triune Salvation (Lords Day 8)
Date: Apr 26, 2020
Time: Evening
Text: John 14:22–27
Safe Under His Wings.
Date: Apr 26, 2020
Time: Morning
Text: Psalm 91
Reconciled Through Faith, Now!
Date: Apr 19, 2020
Time: Evening
Text: 2 Corinthians 5:16—6:2
The Hope of the Redeemed
Date: Apr 19, 2020
Time: Morning
Text: Psalm 77
Easter Sunday: The Resurrection that Will Be
Date: Apr 12, 2020
Time: Evening
Text: 1 Corinthians 15:20–28