Sermons from January 2023
A Father gives up the Son whom he loves
Date: Jan 29, 2023
Time: Afternoon
Text: Genesis 22:1–14
Jesus, the Holy One of God, has power even over the forces of darkness
Date: Jan 29, 2023
Time: Morning
Text: Luke 4:31–37
God comforts His people by revealing their sin and misery through the law
Date: Jan 22, 2023
Time: Afternoon
Text: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 2
God gives you salvation by grace through faith
Date: Jan 22, 2023
Time: Morning
Text: Ephesians 2:8–9
On the testimony of reliable witnesses
Date: Jan 15, 2023
Time: Afternoon
Text: 2 Peter 1:16–21
God’s Word Polarizes the Woman’s Seed and the Serpent’s Seed!
Date: Jan 8, 2023
Time: Afternoon
Text: 1 Thessalonians 2:13–16
Believe in Jesus because he is the Son of David!
Date: Jan 8, 2023
Time: Morning
Text: Matthew 9:27–31
“Open wide your mouth and I will fill it”
Date: Jan 1, 2023
Time: Afternoon
Minister: Rev. D. Agema
Text: Psalm 81:10
The Lord reminds us of the enmity
Date: Jan 1, 2023
Time: Morning
Minister: Rev. D. Agema
Text: Revelation 12:1–6