Sermons from March 2024
The Lord Jesus teaches his followers about prayer
Date: Mar 31, 2024
Time: Afternoon
Text: Matthew 6:5–15
The Women are Confronted by the Miracle of the Empty Tomb
Date: Mar 31, 2024
Time: Morning
Text: Mark 16:1–8
Jesus Christ exclaims His victory: “It is finished.”
Date: Mar 29, 2024
Time: Morning
Text: John 19:30
Father, teach us to do your will!
Date: Mar 24, 2024
Time: Afternoon
Text: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 49
We Share In Christ's Anointing
Date: Mar 17, 2024
Time: Afternoon
Minister: Rev. D. Agema
Text: 1 John 2:15–29
Our Saviour Declares Himself To Be The Christ
Date: Mar 17, 2024
Time: Morning
Minister: Rev. D. Agema
Text: Matthew 21:12–17
The only true God commands His people to worship Him alone
Date: Mar 10, 2024
Time: Afternoon
Text: Deuteronomy 6:1–19
Jesus Saves us from...
Date: Mar 3, 2024
Time: Afternoon
Text: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 11
Remain Rooted in the Reconciliation of Christ
Date: Mar 3, 2024
Time: Morning
Text: Colossians 1:21–23