Sermons from August 2024
The effects of the emblem of the new life.
Date: Aug 25, 2024
Time: Afternoon
Minister: Rev. Huijgen
Text: Romans 6
Jesus Christ comes with authority in His teaching.
Date: Aug 25, 2024
Time: Morning
Minister: Rev. Huijgen
Text: Mark 1:21–28
Taste and see that the Lord is good!
Date: Aug 18, 2024
Time: Afternoon
Minister: Dr. de Visser
Text: Psalm 34:8
God’s amazing grace emerging from the mess in Judah’s life
Date: Aug 18, 2024
Time: Morning
Minister: Dr. de Visser
Text: Genesis 38
By the means of grace God begins and maintains our faith.
Date: Aug 11, 2024
Time: Afternoon
Minister: Rev. Huijgen
Text: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 25
God says: as you have come to the best place on earth, be committed to praise.
Date: Aug 11, 2024
Time: Morning
Minister: Rev. Huijgen
Text: Hebrews 12:22–25
The Special Bond Between God's King And His Soldiers
Date: Aug 4, 2024
Time: Morning
Minister: Rev. D. Agema
Text: 2 Samuel 23:13–17