Our baptism signifies and seals our washing in Jesus Christ.
Date: Apr 11, 2021
Time: Afternoon
Minister: Rev Joe Poppe
Text: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 26
Series: Lord's Day
We have the mind of Christ
Date: Apr 4, 2021
Time: Afternoon
Text: 1 Corinthians 2:16—3:9
The Risen Saviour speaks on Easter Sunday
Date: Apr 4, 2021
Time: Morning
Read by: Elder T. Veenendaal
Text: Matthew 28:9–10
Two dying men ask for salvation
Date: Apr 2, 2021
Time: Morning
Text: Luke 23:39–43
Keep good works in their proper place!
Date: Mar 21, 2021
Time: Afternoon
Text: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 24
Series: Lord's Day
One man died so that we would not perish
Date: Mar 21, 2021
Time: Morning
Text: John 11:49–53
I am purified by Christ’s blood and thus have a good conscience before God.
Date: Mar 14, 2021
Time: Afternoon
Minister: Rev Joe Poppe
Text: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 23
Do not walk away from Christ but come to him the Holy One of God!
Date: Mar 14, 2021
Time: Morning
Text: John 6:60–71
In the Face of Death, God comforts us with the hope of resurrection and life everlasting.
Date: Mar 7, 2021
Time: Afternoon
Text: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 22
Series: Lord's Day
God is revealed in Christ as he calms the wind and the waves
Date: Mar 7, 2021
Time: Morning
Text: Mark 4:35–41
The Word of the Cross demonstrates the power of the gospel
Date: Feb 28, 2021
Time: Afternoon
Text: 1 Corinthians 2:1–5
God empowers us to stand against mocking giants.
Date: Feb 28, 2021
Time: Morning
Text: 1 Samuel 17:26
What does it mean to believe and experience the communion of saints?
Date: Feb 21, 2021
Time: Afternoon
Read by: Elder W. Versteeg
Text: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 21
The Lord Jesus warns us against unrepentant unbelief
Date: Feb 21, 2021
Time: Morning
Text: Matthew 11:20–24