Sermons from John
God helps His servant.
Date: Oct 30, 2022
Time: Morning
Text: Isaiah 41:10
The One-Another Commandments: Love One Another.
Date: Jul 31, 2022
Time: Afternoon
Read by: Br. Dale Dewit
Text: John 13:34–35
The Lord's Supper, too, is about the promises or our God.
Date: May 15, 2022
Time: Afternoon
Read by: Br. Henry Breukelman
Text: John 6:25–59
Our faithful triune God mercifully and powerfully preserves His elect to the end.
Date: Apr 3, 2022
Time: Afternoon
Text: Canons of Dort: Fifth: Article 3
The Gospel is the means God uses to work regeneration.
Date: Mar 13, 2022
Time: Afternoon
Text: Canons of Dort: Third & Fourth: Article 17
We confess and rejoice that Christ is risen!
Date: Dec 26, 2021
Time: Afternoon
Read by: Br. Dale DeWit
Text: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 17
Jesus is the true light in the darkness.
Date: Dec 19, 2021
Time: Morning
Text: John 1:1–18
Jesus Christ is the Bread of Life.
Date: Oct 24, 2021
Time: Morning
Text: John 6:35
Jesus’ lesson on sowing and reaping.
Date: Oct 17, 2021
Time: Morning
Text: John 4:31–38
Jesus shows mercy to sinners.
Date: Oct 3, 2021
Time: Afternoon
Text: John 8:1–11
God gave Christ as the atoning sacrifice for sins for the elect in particular.
Date: Sep 19, 2021
Time: Afternoon
Text: Canons of Dort: Second: Article 5
Our only comfort is received through true faith.
Date: Sep 12, 2021
Time: Afternoon
Read by: Br. Steve Vandersluis
Text: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 7
Jesus went to the cross as our King.
Date: Mar 28, 2021
Time: Morning
Text: John 18:28–40
Pray that God’s revealed will is done on earth.
Date: Mar 21, 2021
Time: Morning
Text: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 49
For his first sign, Jesus transforms water into wine at Cana
Date: Mar 14, 2021
Time: Afternoon
Read by: Br. Chris DeBoer
Text: John 2:1–11