Sermons from Luke
God calls us to be generous with His gifts.
Date: Jan 24, 2021
Time: Afternoon
Text: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 42
The family of our Saviour flees to Egypt to escape the persecution of Herod.
Date: Jan 10, 2021
Time: Morning
Text: Matthew 2:13–15
Good works have an important place in our salvation.
Date: Aug 30, 2020
Time: Afternoon
Text: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 24
Listen to the Parable of the Love of our Heavenly Father!
Date: May 17, 2020
Time: Morning
Text: Luke 15:11–32
Jesus Christ was born of the virgin Mary.
Date: May 10, 2020
Time: Afternoon
Text: Luke 1:26–38
Strive to enter through the narrow door! This command is:
Date: May 10, 2020
Time: Morning
Text: Luke 13:22–30
Be on your guard against all kinds of greed!
Date: May 3, 2020
Time: Morning
Text: Luke 12:13–21
We are saved by the grace of God, through faith.
Date: Mar 22, 2020
Time: Afternoon
Text: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 7
God does a new thing in the family of Zechariah.
Date: Feb 23, 2020
Time: Morning
Text: Luke 1:57–66
The boy Jesus was found in his Father’s house.
Date: Jan 19, 2020
Time: Afternoon
Text: Luke 2:41–52
Repent for Christ is on His way
Date: Dec 29, 2019
Time: Morning
Read by: Br. Martin Leyenhorst
Text: Luke 3:7–9