Sermon on April 24, 2022
The Lord Jesus lives in the midst of his Church.
Time: Afternoon
Texts: Revelation 1—3, Revelation 1:1—2:7
PM Worship service order: Rev. VanLuik Gathering in the name of the Lord Greeting from our God Singing: Psalm 92:1, 2, 3 Prayer SCRIPTURE READING: Revelation 1:1 - 2:7 Singing: Psalm 97:1, 3, 5 SCRIPTURE TEXT: Revelations 1-3 The Lord Jesus lives in the midst of his Church. 1. The purpose for this book. 2. Jesus among the lampstands. 3. The Church as the lampstand. 4. The Church victorious. Singing: Psalm 98:1, 3, 4 Profession of faith: Hymn 1 Prayer OFFERINGS: Anchor Singing: Hymn 55 Benediction