Sermon on May 28, 2023
The Almighty Creator is my faithful Father!
Time: Afternoon
Texts: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 9
PM Worship service order Gathering in the name of the Lord Greeting from our God Singing: Psalm 19:1, 2 Prayer SCRIPTURE READING: Gen. 1:1-2:3; Acts 4:23-31 Singing: Psalm 33:2 OUR CONFESSION: Lord’s Day 9 The Almighty Creator is my faithful Father! 1. The basis of this confession 2. The comfort of this confession 3. The consequence of this confession Singing: Psalm 33:4, 6 Profession of Faith: Hymn 1 Prayer OFFERINGS: Word & Deed Singing: Psalm 147:1, 2, 5, 6 Benediction