Sermon on October 29, 2023
We Believe in The Miracle of Divine Forgiveness!
Time: Afternoon
Texts: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 21, Luke 7:31—8:3
PM Worship service order Gathering in the name of the Lord Greeting from our God Singing: Ps. 40:1,5,7 Prayer SCRIPTURE READING: Luke 7:31-8:3 Singing: Ps. 103:1,4,5 OUR CONFESSION: Lord’s Day 21C We believe in the miracle of divine forgiveness! Singing: Ps. 130:1-4 Profession of Faith: Hy. 1 Prayer OFFERINGS: Anchor Singing: Come O Fount of Every Blessing Benediction Things to listen to: Karmic. Test. Toe. Levi. Welcome. Rug.