Sermon on September 15, 2024
Let Us Seek Our Daily Bread from Our Heavenly Father!
Time: Afternoon
Texts: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 50, Deuteronomy 8, Matthew 6:19–34
Sept. 15, 2024 am Download MP3
PM Worship service order Gathering in the name of the Lord Greeting from our God Singing: Ps. 147:1-3 Prayer SCRIPTURE READING: Deuteronomy 8; Matthew 6:19-34 Singing: Ps. 127:1-3 OUR CONFESSION: Lord’s Day 50 Let us seek our daily bread from our Heavenly Father! So that we learn to 1. praise him 2. seek his blessing 3. put our trust in him alone Singing: Hy. 63:1-5 Profession of Faith: Athanasian Creed Prayer OFFERINGS: Deaconry Singing: Abide with Me 1,3,5 Benediction Things to listen for: 9-1-1. Knees. Back-up. Sky. School.