Sermons from May 2021
The joyful shout of believers: God is good!!
Date: May 30, 2021
Time: Afternoon
Text: Psalm 136
The joyful shout of believers: God is good!!
Date: May 30, 2021
Time: Afternoon
Text: Psalm 136
Our victory over the world!
Date: May 30, 2021
Time: Morning
Text: 1 John 5
In Doing Good, Be Alert As To Your Motivation
Date: May 23, 2021
Time: Afternoon
Text: Matthew 6:1–8
God’s gift to his own: his Spirit!
Date: May 23, 2021
Time: Morning
Text: 1 John 4:13
God is just!
Date: May 16, 2021
Time: Afternoon
Text: Romans 3:1–26
God is just!
Date: May 16, 2021
Time: Afternoon
Text: Belgic Confession: Article 1
The glory of our King!
Date: May 16, 2021
Time: Morning
Text: Psalm 24
God the only wise!
Date: May 9, 2021
Time: Afternoon
Text: Belgic Confession: Article 1
The feast of the LORD!
Date: May 9, 2021
Time: Morning
Text: Psalm 23:5–6
Our God Almighty!
Date: May 2, 2021
Time: Afternoon
Text: Belgic Confession: Article 1
The sheep's cure for fear: the Shepherd's presence
Date: May 2, 2021
Time: Morning
Text: Psalm 23:4