Rev. K. Janssen
The Bible is our infallible guide
Date: Sep 29, 2019
Time: Afternoon
Text: Belgic Confession: Article 3
Be Wise Before God
Date: Sep 29, 2019
Time: Morning
Text: James 3:13–18
The expansion of God's Kingdom requires labourers
Date: Feb 24, 2019
Time: Morning
Text: Matthew 9:35–38
True faith is proven by its fruits
Date: Sep 30, 2018
Time: Afternoon
Text: Job 42:1–9
God's majesty should evoke faith
Date: Sep 30, 2018
Time: Morning
Text: Job 40:1–5
We have faith in the triune God leading His church
Date: Jun 24, 2018
Time: Afternoon
Text: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 21
God orders all of life through civil authorities
Date: Jan 28, 2018
Time: Afternoon
Text: Belgic Confession: Article 36
We have faith in the royal authority of Christ
Date: Sep 25, 2016
Time: Afternoon
Text: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 19
God gives His people opportunity to renew their covenant with Him
Date: Sep 25, 2016
Time: Morning
Text: Joshua 24:21
God appoints and empowers His own to a noble task
Date: Mar 29, 2015
Time: Afternoon
Text: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 12
Israel’s refusal to believe confirms the Christ’s identity
Date: Mar 29, 2015
Time: Morning
Text: John 12:37–43
A believer is prepared to sacrifice everything for God’s Kingdom
Date: Feb 9, 2014
Time: Afternoon
Text: Matthew 13:44
Our Almighty Father is in control of all things, also evil
Date: Feb 10, 2013
Time: Afternoon
Text: Belgic Confession: Article 13
God commands us to honour marital love and loyalty
Date: Aug 26, 2012
Time: Afternoon
Text: Hebrews 13:4