Rev. D. Vande Burgt
Loving your neighbour means not desiring what belongs to them
Date: Apr 17, 2022
Time: Afternoon
Text: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 44
Betrayed with a kiss
Date: Apr 10, 2022
Time: Afternoon
Text: Luke 22:47–48
To love your neighbour is to do them no harm with your words
Date: Apr 3, 2022
Time: Afternoon
Text: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 43
To love your neighbour is to observe the fast the Lord chooses
Date: Mar 20, 2022
Time: Afternoon
Text: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 52
The King's Question
Date: Mar 13, 2022
Time: Morning
Text: Matthew 20:20–34
The Lord seeks to protect your marriage as a life-long union of mutual love and loyalty
Date: Mar 6, 2022
Time: Afternoon
Text: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 41
To Love Your Neighbor is to do them No Harm with any Part of Your Body
Date: Feb 20, 2022
Time: Afternoon
Text: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 40
To Love the Lord Your God, Is to Honour Your Father and Mother
Date: Feb 13, 2022
Time: Afternoon
Text: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 39
To Love the Lord Your God, Is to Observe Holy Time
Date: Feb 6, 2022
Time: Afternoon
Text: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 38
To love the Lord your God is to carry his name into the world for his glory
Date: Jan 23, 2022
Time: Afternoon
Text: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 37
To Love God is to Worship Him as He Is and Not as We Want Him to Be
Date: Jan 16, 2022
Time: Afternoon
Text: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 35
To Love the Lord Is to Have No Other Gods Before Him
Date: Jan 2, 2022
Time: Afternoon
Text: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 34
From Great Fear to Glorious Praise
Date: Dec 25, 2021
Time: Morning
Text: Luke 2:1–21
Advent Hope in Time of Fear
Date: Dec 19, 2021
Time: Morning
Text: Micah 5:2–5
The Lord Prepares the Way for His Coming
Date: Dec 5, 2021
Time: Morning
Text: Malachi 2:17—3:5