Sermons from 2005
Living in liberty requires learning from history
Date: Nov 6, 2005
Time: Afternoon
Text: 1 Corinthians 10:1–13
God uses the preaching of the Law to lead believers to maturity
Date: Nov 6, 2005
Time: Morning
Text: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 44
We are righteous before God only in Christ and only by faith
Date: Oct 30, 2005
Time: Afternoon
Text: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 23
Paul defends and clarifies his apostleship
Date: Oct 23, 2005
Time: Afternoon
Text: 1 Corinthians 9
Our speech increasingly reflects our identity in the truth
Date: Oct 23, 2005
Time: Morning
Text: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 43
Live lives of self denial
Date: Oct 16, 2005
Time: Morning
Text: Matthew 5:38–42
The eighth commandment speaks to both the believer and earthly goods
Date: Oct 9, 2005
Time: Afternoon
Text: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 42
Thanks be to God
Date: Oct 9, 2005
Time: Morning
Text: 2 Corinthians 9:10–11
Knowledge of some: loves builds up
Date: Oct 2, 2005
Time: Afternoon
Text: 1 Corinthians 8
Marriage: God's blueprint for man and woman to live an intimate relationship
Date: Oct 2, 2005
Time: Morning
Text: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 41