Sermons from October 2007
Praying for an open and softened heart
Date: Oct 28, 2007
Time: Afternoon
Text: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 49
God our Father created a home for us
Date: Oct 28, 2007
Time: Morning
Text: Genesis 1:1–2
The Lord lights up His sanctuary and His people
Date: Oct 21, 2007
Time: Afternoon
Text: Numbers 8:1–4
Guilty as charged
Date: Oct 21, 2007
Time: Morning
Text: Romans 2:1–5
The Great Giver receives gifts from His people
Date: Oct 14, 2007
Time: Afternoon
Text: Exodus 40
God calls us to the right use of His holy name
Date: Oct 14, 2007
Time: Morning
Text: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 36
How God should be worshipped personally
Date: Oct 7, 2007
Time: Afternoon
Text: Psalm 119:9–16
What makes for a true Thanksgiving?
Date: Oct 7, 2007
Time: Morning
Text: Numbers 6:22–27