Sermons from 2013
This year, and always, be devoted to prayer
Date: Dec 31, 2013
Time: Evening
Text: Colossians 4:2
Our neighbor is created in God’s image
Date: Dec 29, 2013
Time: Afternoon
Text: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 40
God’s claim on Israel as His firstborn Son
Date: Dec 29, 2013
Time: Morning
Text: Exodus 4:21–23
The heavenly gospel
Date: Dec 25, 2013
Time: Morning
Text: Luke 2:1–20
Christmas and the death of fear
Date: Dec 22, 2013
Time: Afternoon
Text: Luke 1:5–17
God’s mercy in the birth of a child named John
Date: Dec 22, 2013
Time: Morning
Text: Luke 1:57–66
When we confess the resurrection of the dead, we anticipate a future work of the almighty God
Date: Dec 15, 2013
Time: Afternoon
Text: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 22
The angel Gabriel foretells to Mary the miraculous birth of Jesus
Date: Dec 15, 2013
Time: Morning
Text: Luke 1:26–38
We believe in the forgiveness of sins
Date: Dec 8, 2013
Time: Afternoon
Text: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 21
The beginning of the ‘fullness of time’
Date: Dec 8, 2013
Time: Morning
Text: Luke 1:5–25
We believe in true fellowship with one another in the church
Date: Dec 1, 2013
Time: Afternoon
Text: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 21
The joyful expectation of the coming of the Christ
Date: Dec 1, 2013
Time: Morning
Text: Psalm 98
The litmus test of love
Date: Nov 24, 2013
Time: Afternoon
Text: 1 John 3:11–18
God’s dream fulfilled despite sin
Date: Nov 24, 2013
Time: Morning
Text: Genesis 37
The church finds her life in her Lord
Date: Nov 17, 2013
Time: Afternoon
Text: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 21