Sermons from Luke
Looking for Mercy
Date: Aug 11, 2024
Time: Morning
Text: Psalm 123
It is God who keeps sinning saints safe
Date: Jul 21, 2024
Time: Afternoon
Text: Luke 22
Hope for the Religious
Date: May 26, 2024
Time: Afternoon
Text: Luke 15:25–32
The Mire of Babylon
Date: May 26, 2024
Time: Morning
Text: Luke 15:11–24
Bearing Good Fruit!
Date: Apr 7, 2024
Time: Afternoon
Minister: Rev. A. Plug
Text: Luke 6:39–45
Like Father and Like Son by the Power of the Spirit
Date: Mar 3, 2024
Time: Afternoon
Text: Matthew 11:20–30
Lord, Teach Us to Pray
Date: Feb 11, 2024
Time: Afternoon
Text: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 45
Worshipping the King
Date: Dec 25, 2023
Time: Morning
Text: Matthew 2:1–12
Announcing the King
Date: Dec 17, 2023
Time: Morning
Text: Luke 1:26–33
The Covenant Messenger
Date: Nov 26, 2023
Time: Morning
Text: Malachi 2:17—3:5
How well do you Know your Father?
Date: Oct 22, 2023
Time: Morning
Text: Luke 15:11–32
Oh, the irony and why God loves it
Date: Sep 24, 2023
Time: Afternoon
Text: Esther 6
The Coming of God’s Glorious Kingdom!
Date: Aug 27, 2023
Time: Morning
Minister: Rev. A. Plug
Text: Luke 13:18–21
Living with Two Invitations
Date: Aug 20, 2023
Time: Afternoon
Text: Proverbs 9
God's Love for the Lost
Date: Aug 6, 2023
Time: Morning
Minister: Rev. A. Plug
Text: Luke 15:1–7