Meet the pastor who never retires
Date: May 6, 2012
Time: Afternoon
Text: Hebrews 13:8
Why spend your life preaching and believing in foolishness?
Date: May 6, 2012
Time: Morning
Text: 1 Corinthians 1:18–31
How beautiful and how pleasing is love with all of its charms!
Date: Apr 29, 2012
Time: Afternoon
Text: Song of Solomon 7:1–9
The king escorts his bride into his mountain-garden
Date: Apr 29, 2012
Time: Morning
Text: Song of Solomon 4:8
Faith embraces the promises of the Gospel
Date: Apr 22, 2012
Time: Afternoon
Text: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 25
Heaven reveals the victory of God!
Date: Apr 22, 2012
Time: Morning
Text: Revelation 19
Justification by faith alone produces good works
Date: Apr 15, 2012
Time: Afternoon
Text: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 24
The resurrected Lord brings His disciples to confess their faith
Date: Apr 8, 2012
Time: Afternoon
Text: John 20:24–31
I Am the Living One!
Date: Apr 8, 2012
Time: Morning
Text: Revelation 1:17–18
It is finished
Date: Apr 6, 2012
Time: Morning
Text: John 19:28–30
Who is the Man?
Date: Apr 1, 2012
Time: Afternoon
Text: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 23
Palm Sunday: The King is Coming!
Date: Apr 1, 2012
Time: Morning
Text: Luke 19:28–44
If you would follow Jesus
Date: Mar 25, 2012
Time: Afternoon
Text: Matthew 16:24–28
Take care how you hear
Date: Mar 25, 2012
Time: Morning
Text: Matthew 7:24–27