Standalone Sermons
The Heart of God
Date: May 17, 2015
Minister: Bernie VanEyk
Text: Jonah 3:10—4:11
Faith & Parenting
Date: Apr 12, 2015
Minister: Henry Bartsch
Text: Ephesians 6:1–4
The Lord Tells the Rest of Esau's Story
Date: Mar 29, 2015
Minister: Joel Overduin
Text: Genesis 36:1
Jesus is so Utterly Worthy
Date: Mar 29, 2015
Minister: Joel Overduin
Text: Luke 19:40
True Happiness
Date: Feb 22, 2015
Text: Psalm 146:5–6
Jesus Restores the Sight of Blind Bartimaeus
Date: Feb 22, 2015
Text: Mark 10:46–52
Whose Yoke are You Carrying?
Date: Jan 18, 2015
Minister: Ken Herfst
Text: Matthew 11:28–30
Christ's Baptism and Our's: Identity and Calling
Date: Jan 18, 2015
Minister: Ken Herfst
Text: Luke 3:21–22