Sermons from Acts
In Baptism, Christ Delivers the Gospel to Us
Date: Jan 28, 2024
Time: Afternoon
Text: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 26
Christ Alone, Cornerstone
Date: Dec 24, 2023
Time: Afternoon
Text: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 11
How we Worship God is not up to our Imagination
Date: Oct 8, 2023
Time: Afternoon
Minister: Rev. A. Plug
Text: Acts 17:16–34
A Heartfelt Goodbye
Date: Jun 25, 2023
Time: Morning
Text: Acts 20:13–38
To Have a Share with Christ, You Need to Be Washed by Him
Date: Jun 18, 2023
Time: Afternoon
Text: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 26
Our King has Been Crowned With Glory
Date: May 21, 2023
Time: Morning
Minister: Rev. A. Plug
Text: Hebrews 2:5–10
The Lord Commands His Church To Make Disciples
Date: Apr 16, 2023
Time: Morning
Text: Matthew 28:16–19
Finding God's Will for Your Life: The Nature of Divine Guidance
Date: Mar 26, 2023
Time: Morning
Text: Acts 16:6–12
Only Jesus!
Date: Dec 25, 2022
Time: Afternoon
Text: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 12
Do Not Burden New Believers
Date: Nov 27, 2022
Time: Afternoon
Text: Acts 15:22–35
The Bible is Enough
Date: Jul 24, 2022
Time: Afternoon
Text: Galatians 1:1–17
Christ Ascended to the Father for our Benefit
Date: May 29, 2022
Time: Morning
Text: Acts 1:1–9
The End...or The Beginning
Date: May 1, 2022
Time: Morning
Minister: Rev. A. Plug
Text: Matthew 28:16–20