Rev. D. Moes
God blesses the church so that it will be a blessing to those outside the church
Date: Aug 30, 2020
Time: Morning
Minister: Rev. D. Moes
Text: Genesis 12:1–3
If we want to remain in Christ, we need to pray to be filled with the Holy Spirit
Date: Aug 23, 2020
Time: Afternoon
Minister: Rev. D. Moes
Text: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 20
We need to be yoked to the Lord Jesus Christ and learn from Him
Date: Aug 23, 2020
Time: Morning
Minister: Rev. D. Moes
Text: Matthew 11:25–30
We cannot think of ourselves more highly than we ought to think
Date: Aug 16, 2020
Time: Morning
Minister: Rev. D. Moes
Text: Romans 12:3
God invites us into His Sabbath rest
Date: Oct 20, 2019
Time: Morning
Minister: Rev. D. Moes
Text: Genesis 2:1–3
The Word of Christ has to dwell richly in us and among us
Date: Jan 29, 2017
Time: Morning
Minister: Rev. D. Moes
Text: Colossians 3:16
When we obey the Lord Jesus Christ we are wise
Date: Jan 31, 2016
Time: Afternoon
Minister: Rev. D. Moes
Text: Luke 7:1–10
God is present in our suffering
Date: Jan 31, 2016
Time: Morning
Minister: Rev. D. Moes
Text: Psalm 10:1–14