Sermons from Hebrews
Run the race
Date: Sep 17, 2006
Time: Morning
Text: Hebrews 11:24—12:3
True Faith
Date: Jul 30, 2006
Time: Afternoon
Text: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 7
How faith is a gift of God
Date: Jun 18, 2006
Time: Afternoon
Text: Canons of Dort: Third & Fourth: Article 14
The heart of the Gospel
Date: Mar 26, 2006
Time: Morning
Text: Canons of Dort: Second: Article 1
Who can come and live in the presence of a holy God?
Date: Jan 15, 2006
Time: Morning
Text: Psalm 15
Place your hope completely in the Lord Jesus Christ
Date: Nov 27, 2005
Time: Afternoon
Minister: Rev. D. Moes
Text: Hebrews 6:13–20