Sermons from Isaiah
Oh sing to the Lord a new song!
Date: Sep 1, 2019
Time: Morning
Text: Psalm 98
Who is this Jesus? Power and authority to heal and forgive!
Date: Mar 17, 2019
Time: Afternoon
Text: Luke 5:17–26
Follow in the footsteps of your suffering Saviour
Date: Mar 3, 2019
Time: Morning
Text: 1 Peter 2:18–25
In the 8th Commandment there is both breadth and depth
Date: Jan 20, 2019
Time: Afternoon
Text: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 42
The glorious adjectives that describe our Saviour
Date: Dec 30, 2018
Time: Afternoon
Text: Isaiah 9:6
The glorious names of the child born in the Bethlehem
Date: Dec 30, 2018
Time: Morning
Text: Isaiah 9:6
The Lord commands you to rejoice with all your heart
Date: Dec 16, 2018
Time: Morning
Text: Zephaniah 3:14–20
The Word opens and closes the Kingdom
Date: Oct 7, 2018
Time: Afternoon
Text: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 31
The Lord reigns!
Date: Aug 5, 2018
Text: Psalm 93
You have been invited to the Master's banquet!
Date: Apr 29, 2018
Time: Morning
Minister: Rev. A. Pol
Text: Luke 14:15–24
Death will be swallowed up in victory
Date: Apr 1, 2018
Time: Morning
Text: 1 Corinthians 15:50–57
Experiencing honour in Christ
Date: Mar 11, 2018
Time: Morning
Text: 1 Peter 2:6–7
Jesus is our Immanuel: God with us
Date: Dec 25, 2017
Time: Morning
Text: Matthew 1:23
Your image of God affects your worship of God
Date: May 7, 2017
Time: Afternoon
Text: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 35